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" Friendship is a sheltering tree "


Vote Trees For Life

September 24th, 2014


A message from Trees for Life, an award-winning conservation charity working to restore the Caledonian Forest in a beautiful area in the Scottish Highlands. OBOD supports this charity and recently planted a grove through them to celebrate our 50th Anniversary:



Please vote to help us win £20,000 for our Glen Affric Forest Landscape Project from the European Outdoor Conservation Association.
Voting is now open for the only UK-based project in the Outdoor awards category.
We are delighted to share the brilliant news that Trees for Life has been shortlisted by the prestigious European Outdoor Conservation Association (EOCA) to receive £20,000 funding for our Glen Affric Forest Landscape Project.
Our project aims to engage outdoor users in practical action to expand Glen Affric’s native forests. Funding will enable volunteers to plant 20,000 native trees, remove non-native trees and restore high-altitude montane scrub habitat.
The native pinewoods in Glen Affric are one of the last remaining fragments of Caledonian Forest in the UK, supporting over 1,000 wildlife species including golden eagles, pine martens and red squirrels. With your help to win this vital funding, we can safeguard threatened wildlife habitats, and transform this stunning glen into a wilderness forest.
Voting is free and couldn’t be simpler. Simply click here to be directed to the voting page, where Trees for Life’s project is listed first. Please share this page with your family and friends and encourage them to support the only UK-based charity in the ‘Outdoor’ category of the EOCA awards. Voting closes on October 6th, 2014.
Thank you for your support!

7 Responses to “Vote Trees For Life”

  1. sauvons la forêt !! c’est la seule façon de maintenir notre équilibre sur cette planète !!

  2. These habitats should be protected already. I’d like to thank all the people who put in their time and effort to conserve these habitats for future generations.

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