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" A good traveller has no fixed plans,

and is not intent on arriving "

Lao Tzu


philip-carr-gomm-photo1 Welcome to this website!

I live in the wide open landscape of the South Downs in Sussex, England, with my wife Stephanie. In my teens, I began studying Druidry as a spiritual path with Ross Nichols, the founder of The Order of Bards Ovates and Druids. Later I took a degree in psychology from University College London, and trained in psychotherapy for adults at The Institute of Psychosynthesis, in play therapy for children with Dr Rachel Pinney, and in Sophrology – a system of mind-body training for deep relaxation and personal development. I have also trained in Montessori education and founded the Lewes Montessori School. In 1988 I was asked to lead The Order of Bards Ovates and Druids. In June 2020 I handed on this role to my successor, Eimear Burke. Since then, having worked for the Synthesis Institute, I am now involved in the work of the ACER Integration programme and the Sophrology Institute.

Although my spiritual practice is rooted in Druidry, I believe we have entered an era in which we can move beyond attachments to labels, drawing instead upon the Perennial Tradition, being inspired by the wisdom in all spiritual paths and teachings – following the way of the Universal Mystic.

In recent years I have pursued my interest in spiritual practices by training to be a teacher of Yoga Nidra and Mindfulness Meditation, and have created an online school, The Art of Living Well, to offer courses that combine psychological and spiritual understanding.

Something magical happens when the worlds of psychology and spirituality are brought together. Every discipline in psychology helps to reveal the extraordinary nature of the human being, but add the insights of the Perennial Wisdom Tradition – the ancient knowledge and esoteric teachings passed down through the ages – and we enter awe-inspiring territory that has the power to transform us.

That’s what you’ll find here – an exploration of this territory where spirituality and psychology meet – with books and apps, meditations and talks, online courses and events – all designed to foster growth and change, to offer exciting ideas and helpful strategies to enhance our lives and our creativity.

I hope you enjoy your visit!

‘Tea with a Druid’ is live-streamed every Monday at 8pm UK time, when  I, or a guest, have a conversation and meditation for 20-30 minutes. You can find recordings of over 300 of these and the live broadcasts on my Youtube channel here. I also host a podcast This Magical Life, drawn from excerpts from Tea with a Druid and other sources.
And you can read or listen to interviews with me here

Before you leave this page, here’s a piece of music you might like. It’s from the album Shantic Shamanic Trance Music with Tatjana Branoff and Bernd Bechtloff. In this track I read out the Hanes Blodeuwedd translated by Robert Graves, and then Tatjana sings her Calina song.