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" Friendship is a sheltering tree "


Solstice Blessings!

December 21st, 2023

May the sun’s light, warmth and healing joy rise within you! Love and Solstice Blessings to all! /|\

9 Responses to “Solstice Blessings!”

  1. Solstice blessings on you and your family, Philip, and thank you for all that you have done to make our world a brighter place!

  2. An abundance of restful peace and gentle blessings to you and yours. Thank you for the wisdoms and dedication shown and given for 2023 to have been made a much kinder and magical place to be living from. Especially with this being my first year in my OBOD/ BARD and Magician club year. The years to come have already been transformed in a magical way.

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