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" One touch of nature

makes all the world kin "

William Shakespeare

The Gifts of the Day

November 12th, 2013

When witnessing the recent tragic events brought about by typhoon Haiyan, one can come to question the sense of living in the moment. To be totally present and mindful when you find yourself facing great distress, sadness or pain can be a challenge too difficult to master. We can be forgiven, when tragedy strikes, of yearning for a future where peace might return and the loss and hurt will lose its grip on us. There are no easy answers when faced with such life-changing events; whether it be tragedy on an enormous scale, such as Manila, or the solitary encounters with our own personal losses, we will each – in that dark night of our soul’s journey – experience an absence of faith in life, aware only of the suffering.

However, when we are faced with the pain of others, we are given the opportunity to engage with our own capacity for compassion and empathy. We also given the chance to become acutely aware of the blessings that we each possess. This little film illustrates perfectly that life –  despite its struggle – is beautiful; that each new day is the only time we have and should be treasured, embraced and lived with gratitude. No matter what befalls us, that one precious day is a gift and the connections that we make with each other and the world, the kindnesses we choose to share, give it depth and meaning, reminding us that we are not alone in our suffering or joy; that we are each a part of the mystery at the heart of life.

6 Responses to “The Gifts of the Day”

  1. Thank you. I wept at the depth of beauty and simple truth in this little film. As I read your post I am reminded of Thoreau’s words, “Let the thunder rumble; what if it threaten ruin to farmers crops? That is not its errand to thee. Take shelter under the cloud, while they flee to cards and sheds.” It reminds me that when I feel the impulse to fix something, I can stop, inquire within and, instead, ask if it is simply asking to be met, not fixed.

  2. …thank you …I too was deeply moved by both the events of the past week and the little film. This morning my husband said, “I’m really over all this rain.” and, ‘I replied, well it’s filling the water tanks and nature is loving it!” If we’re not in the moment we can miss all manner of things, a small bird struggling to pull a fat worm from rain soaked ground and the sweet call of a blackbird from the top of the sycamore tree, singing his heart out in celebration of the birth of chicks …thank you …may I always remain right here in this moment, no matter what! …Penny

  3. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you for this BEAUTIFUL video!! Life is full of simple but adorable moments we shouldn’t miss 🙂 Thank you again!!

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