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" Live out of your imagination

not your history "

Stephen R. Covey

The Blackbird’s Message to Us

April 28th, 2020

May Day, season fair,
Perfect time of year,
The blackbird’s song a poem
To the sun’s first slender ray
Irish Ninth century

Beltane is coming in a few days, with its blossom already here – the May is out!

But mixed with the joy, the peace and regeneration of nature aided by the lock-down, there is an increased awareness of our own natures as fragile, transient beings on this Earth. And this feeling is connected with Samhain. Beltane is the opposite: it encourages us to feel lusty and very much alive. But Samhain is arriving in the southern hemisphere and it is very much here in the northern hemisphere too – thanks to the coronavirus being present.

Last week Steve Hounsome consulted the Tarot for an insight into the current situation and got the Ten of Wands, which reflected how many people are feeling: burdened. He then led us on a great meditation to throw a log representing our burdens on the ritual fire.

So I thought I’d see what the Druid Animal Oracle could offer with a slightly different question about the current situation. How can we best respond? I got the Blackbird.

7 Responses to “The Blackbird’s Message to Us”

  1. Thank you so much, Philip, for this wonderful message of healing and hope, the guided meditation and blessing, and a way to process all of this pain.

  2. I just heard the recording of this journey with the blackbird’s song. It was precious, and a gift as I celebrate this Beltane.

  3. Lovely Tea & meditation, Thanks. Loved the Blackbird’s song in the background! I spent my day in the Forest; meditating, reading, & communing with the animals & Birds. One of the cards I drew from the Druid Animal Oracle tonight, was Blackbird! Bright Blessings /|\

  4. Thank you so much Philip.
    I have a question about Blackbird. I wonder if you might help me with it.

    I have a Blackbird family and a Wren family nesting in the garden.
    Mr Blackbird is quite a character and I am drawn outside by his alarm call on a regular basis. There are usually no obvious sources of alarm and I am wondering if it’s his way of drawing me further in to the land and my own spiritual nature?

    He loves to pose for me and stares quite intently once I’m out there and is quite happy to flit about me.

    The Wren too, when I’m doing my morning ‘greeting of the day’, often sings to me from a low branch.
    These feel magical experiences,
    I have studied both in the animal oracle but wondered if you might offer any further insight into the alarm calling particularly.

    Bright Blessings and many thanks for all of your offerings


    • Hi Theresa, So sorry, I don’t really know – it could actually be that they are aware of a cat somewhere. Whatever the reason, it is lovely that you have that close connection to the blackbird and wren in your garden!

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