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A Day of Druidic Scholarship

June 11th, 2008
The Order of Bards, Ovates and Druids invites you to The Mt. Haemus Lectures
A day of Druidic scholarship and pleasant company, including lunch and sundry entertainments
at The Medieval Hall, Salisbury
From 10am – 5pm on 31 August 2008
With papers from:
Dr Brendan Myers
How Beautiful Are They – Some thoughts on Ethics in Celtic and European Mythology

Professor Roland Rotherham
Working With Animals

Dr Adam Stout
Universal Majesty, Verity and Love Infinite-
The Extraordinary Career of George Watson Macgregor Reid, Chosen Chief of the Ancient Druid Order

Philip Carr Gomm
‘I would know my Shadow and my Light’ –
An exploration of Michael Tippet’s The Midsummer Marriage and its relevance to a study of Druidism

It is with great pleasure that we draw together the four scholars who have been engaged in druidic research on our behalf. This year the lectures will be held in the magnificent Medieval Hall in the Cathedral Close, Salisbury, SP1 2EY, and our simple lunch will be taken across the cathedral green at Old Sarum College. Salisbury is easily accessible by public transport: the area is rich in natural beauty and history, including the landmark sites of Old Sarum and Stonehenge.

For B&B enquiries & local information, including parking, city maps and park & ride, contact Salisbury Tourist Information Centre, Fish Row Salisbury SP1 1EJ Telephone: 01722 334956

Lunch: simple and vegetarian. Total cost for day £25/US$50. Please email for bookings or any further information about any aspect of the day:

6 Responses to “A Day of Druidic Scholarship”

  1. Dear Mr. Carr-Gomm,

    this is not to comment this last topic, but as the post tells about a druidic day, I decided to use this issue to thank you a lot in advance for the conference and workshop you’re going to hold in the North of Italy in September/October. I’ve had a quick chat with Ossian/Luigi D’Ambrosio, founder of “Antica Quercia” (Ancient Oak) group, and he anticipated me this exciting news!
    Your visit and teaching will be the first chance for Italy to have a glance into “professional” Modern Druidry and – believe me – we really couldn’t wait any longer to enjoy this opportunity! We’ve had many international Wiccan teachers here (there’s quite a deep mingling of Witchcraft and Druidry here), but any Druid up to now.

    So thank you very very much, it’ll be a great pleasure and honor to meet you!

    Bright Blessings


  2. That does sound lovely – especially as one of the speakers is A.N Other – I have always wanted to meet them 😉

    I would love to go (if I can pluck up the courage) I am really enjoying reading the Mount Haemus lectures – I have only read half of yours at the moment as there is so much to take in and think about – (I am writing a blog on it on my weblog – Janeyb) I find it helps me digest it and it is all so relevent at the moment. I can’t wait to read the rest of the lectures – think its going to take all summer though 🙂

  3. Hmm… I’m actually in London that weekend with a friend, I might be able to make a quick detour and attend, topics sound fascinating!

    Any idea how many people can attend?

  4. I would really like to try and make this, if I can – it looks like a very interesting day. Haven’t yet made it to an OBOD event – must stop being such an old hermit!

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