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" The songs of our ancestors

are also the songs of our children "

The Druid Way

Protecting Our Woodland

August 17th, 2011

Produced, written and directed by Sara Proudfoot Clinch – this short film endorsed by the Woodland Trust highlights  the importance of trees, and the threats that still exist to our public forests and our dwindling ancient woodlands – featuring interviews with woodland artist Bleau-Shanay Hudson, head of PR at the Woodland Trust Paul Hetherington, druid Philip Carr-Gomm and Britain’s favourite TV Vicar Peter Owen Jones and Jakub Kaminski. In response to public outrage at the proposals in Jan 2011 to sell off our public forests, the government has set up an Independent Forestry Panel to decide between 2011 – 2015 what is going to happen to the remaining 33% of our public forests – however this panel still has a remit to sell 15% – so we are not out of the woods yet! If you do not want to lose any more of our public forests then keep checking the Woodland Trust website for the next opportunity to air your views to the government. You can also ‘Become a Wood Watcher’ or support the ‘Save Our Ancient Woodlands Campaign’ – all of which can be found on

9 Responses to “Protecting Our Woodland”

  1. Thank you Philip for sharing this thought provoking film, we each have to take responsibility to protect our trees

  2. I tried clicking on the link and this is what I get:

    “This page contains the following errors:

    error on line 41 at column 10: Opening and ending tag mismatch: link line 0 and head”

  3. Thank you Philip, a lovely film. I am so often in the remnent of ancient woodland called Diplock wood, or Wannock copse just across the street from me. I will acess the Woodland Trust and see how I can further help, we signed the earlier petition and I hoped that did it. And so it goes with Politics. With best wishes to all of you and all the trees…I can not live without them either. Virginia

  4. thank you for posting this Philip. I had no idea there was so little ancient woodlands left in the UK. We in the US should feel lucky we have quite a bit of old growth forest lands still. We can’t take trees for granted. I hope the Woodland Trust is successful in its endeavors.

  5. Alas ! a few friends and myself fought for over a year and a half to save a tiny strip of woodland , the last woodland in Seaford from being harmed and destroyed, as well as the wildlife! For a childrens play area to be erected there, when there was a huge open playing field to locate it on.
    Because we fought so hard we did save a lot of the trees, by a reduction of area being used for this, but we were all so upset because this was allways a done deal between the LDC and a houseing delelopment /money thing!
    We found out so many sickning ploys to allow this kind of thing to go ahead.
    Children need nature to be natural, not planned and tweaked to council plans.

    Now there is a big hole that is full of danger of a different kind in our little woodland, broken trees, glass,plastic, condoms and the dregs of drug use thease are just a few horrors. Shame on all who allowed this
    and that includes all the obvious help one would seek for help. For we asked them all.
    Even though we lost our battle in the main, its so important to do all we can to save our woodlands and forests, so never look away!
    Thank you Philip for the lovely film, its so important to show.
    Hope you are well
    Jules AV

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