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" Seek the truth and run from

those who claim to have found it "

after André Gide

New Druid Camps Being Born

January 30th, 2013

Nineteen years is a full Metonic cycle, which symbolizes wholeness and completion in Druidry. It is now nineteen years since OBOD put on its first camp, and now we are about to go to the last OBOD camp, which will be held at Wildways in Shropshire. We are going to have a celebration of those 19 years of joy, excitement and laughter, and then we will let go of the structure and organization of ‘OBOD Camps’ and allow it to dissolve.

In its place a new organization to run camps will be born – no longer as the sole ‘official’ OBOD camp, but as one of the many groups that now exist around the world that put on camps for members of the Order and their friends.

Here is a photo from the early days which conveys so well the wonderful atmosphere of a Druid camp, which now you can find in New Zealand, the USA, Britain and Europe. And next year a group of OBODies will be holding one in Australia.

It’s as if this Metonic cycle has allowed something to be nurtured that has now been seeded around the world…ThePlay

3 Responses to “New Druid Camps Being Born”

  1. /I Its 19 years and 8 months that we have been living in our new Grove that we feel is Sacred.. We are in the feel of this Metonic cycle and love the fact that you are too )O( The Golden Number 🙂

  2. Its been wonderful, and thank you for all your support, Philip. I can’t be there this Imbolc, but am sending lots of love and blessings for the new journey of the Tribe.

  3. Thank you Philip – I have been part of this community for ten years and have found it so rich. I could not be there in person for Imbolc but was certainly there in Spirit! I am really looking forwards to the coming growth with the Camps and my part in it. Blessings for all of your support on this journey.

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