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" One touch of nature

makes all the world kin "

William Shakespeare

Jamie Reid’s Ragged Kingdom

June 13th, 2012

In Jubilee June, Jamie Reid – the pioneering and world-renowned artist of punk art who put the safety pin into the Queen’s nose – is coming to Leeds, bringing his 40 year retrospective and current show “Ragged Kingdom” to Temple.Works.Leeds for the month of June 14-July 14. There will be sound and fury, art, punk, poets, food and drink inside a Grade One Listed building site.

While most notorious for his iconic work with the Sex Pistols, graphic artist Reid is as well known for his long career as the punchline in the side of capitalism, who still paints “damn them all” over the images of the Monarchy. Monday May 28th saw the re-release of God Save the Queen by the remaining Sex Pistols to coincide with the Diamond Jubilee. Jamie makes a much greater point about authority and its abuse especially in today’s political, economic and social climate.

Jamie comes to Temple.Works.Leeds

Since his first visit in the summer of 2009 Jamie has wanted to exhibit his work at Temple.Works.Leeds, the Grade One Listed Holbeck warehouse with its extreme vistas, both raw and figured, and its history at the heart of the second Industrial revolution.

Not for the faint of heart, it is the rough and raw areas where Jamie will install his work, with the collections spanning forty years and including Suburban Press, Sex Pistols, How To Become Invisible / Leaving The C20th, Strongroom and Afro Celt Soundsystem-related material, as well as work that is associated with Jamie’s current Eightfold Year project, the magnificent towering teepees.

For more on inspired druid artist Jamie Reid’s exhibition.

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