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" Live out of your imagination

not your history "

Stephen R. Covey

Is it God or the Devil in the Detail?

April 29th, 2019

In this Tea session I refer to the three films by Polish filmmaker Krzysztof Kieślowski. This trailer for one of them, Three Colours: Red, gives you a sense for the focus on detail I mention:

One Response to “Is it God or the Devil in the Detail?”

  1. Thank you for this Philip- reminds me of what makes people beautiful- that corner of the eye, that unexpected humour and also- from a theoretical view- fractals- watched this as an art student 20 years ago: ie- .Also makes me think of a local woman we have here who runs a Wildlife Rescue Trust from her bedroom and gleefully saves one bird at a time- almost a homeopathic dose for the despondency in those who want to make sweeping changes.

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