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" A good traveller has no fixed plans,

and is not intent on arriving "

Lao Tzu

Into the cauldron of Samhain!

October 25th, 2007

Three weeks into this blog experience and the festival of Samhain approaches. This is traditionally a time of chaos, confusion, a letting-go, an acceptance of death and endings over a period of 3 days from October 31st to November 2nd and a chance to enter a new cycle from November 3rd.

So into the Samhain cauldron I am going to put my thoughts and feelings about this venture, to see what will emerge after Samhain. A part of me is still uneasy with the distraction the internet and computer screens bring into my life which is already filled to the brim with demands. And yet the potential of blogging fascinates me.

I thought a blog was simply a template for an electronic diary, but I’ve realised it can be:

1. A common-place or scrap book that can archive movies, sound clips, photos, quotes and so on.

2. A ranting platform

3. For those of us who work to deadlines, it can be a medium to develop the ability to write under pressure, and a medium to help loosen up one’s writing style and develop expressiveness.

4. A ‘museum’ – in the classical sense, where there can be a group discussion (as yesterday) but which is focussed or which has a primary speaker.

5. A form of sharing journaling in an attempt to follow the ‘naked way’ as discussed – the Transcendentalist’s use.

Maybe an old hand at blogging can add more ways in which a blog can be used, but for the moment I wonder whether one can combine all these goals in one blog. I suspect that to use it effectively I should choose one theme or function. Already I find myself concerned that I am boring readers! So I feel a pressure to be interesting! This must stop! I am off to the Samhain camp and will see what emerges by November 3rd. Over and Out until then!

4 Responses to “Into the cauldron of Samhain!”

  1. Welcome to blogging, Philip! I look forward to reading your blog. Looking at your tags, I see you have already blogged about some topics of interest to me.

    You might like to consider adding your posts to our collective Pagan blog, MetaPagan –

    Blessings of Samhain!

  2. Hi Philip I agree about the computer being a distraction, it saps your energy and you can waste hours in the void of the www. Time that i should of spent in the garden , instead i find myself being a slave to the plastic electrickery box! Get out more and enjoy the real world, its far more interesting. Well i am off to discover the element earth, i dont think this plastic keyboard is going to help. Nikki

  3. I’ve found that blogging helps me map out the common threads in my life, and to occasionally focus on something that has importance to me. So in that respect it is a journal, but not as intimate or personal as when I’m just writing in a book about my day. Some people do that, but I would find that boring.

    I also use it in it’s earliest sense – a web log. So I like to include related links, which keeps the magic of the web alive because you never know where the next blog might lead to.

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