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" One touch of nature

makes all the world kin "

William Shakespeare

Follow the Heron

March 24th, 2011

In this song, Karine Polwart sings “the back of the Winter is broken…” and it certainly feels that way. Ever since the Spring Equinox a few days ago we’ve been having glorious sunny weather, and here is a beautiful song ‘Follow the Heron Home’ to celebrate this. I was introduced to this by listening to a ‘Desert Island Discs’ style interview with OBOD tutor James Nichol on Stroud FM – a fascinating hour long conversation about his spiritual journey peppered with great music. The interview will be going up on the OBOD website soon (in the Druidry & Dharma section).

2 Responses to “Follow the Heron”

  1. This is one of my favorite songs. Whenever I hear it, I think of the Atlantic ocean and the shores of Nova Scotia, where I’ve lived since September. Truly, I believe I have ‘followed the heron’ home to this place of astonishing beauty. Thanks for sharing it.

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