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" Live out of your imagination

not your history "

Stephen R. Covey

Fionn’s People

May 13th, 2013

Just back from a holiday in the Outer Hebrides. There, on a glorious sunny day, we discovered one of the most beautiful stone circles I have ever seen: Fionn’s People on North Uist. Here are some notes on it from Wikipedia and 2 photos I took that day: ‘The stones are also known as “Sòrnach Coir’ Fhìnn,” or “the fireplace of Fionn’s cauldron” and locally as “Sòrnach a’ Phobaill” (the fireplace of the People). Of the several stone circles on the island, Pobull Fhìnn is the most conspicuous. It is located on the south side of Ben Langass, and it possibly dates from the second millennium BC.It is technically an oval rather than a circle, measuring about 120 feet from east to west and 93 feet from north to south. Although situated on a natural plateau, the north side of the enclosed area has been excavated to about four feet. At least two dozen stones can be counted, some eight on the northern half and 16 on the southern half, but parts of the circle are devoid of stones. About four feet within the circle at the east side is a tall single stone, and there are two fallen slabs about seven feet beyond the western edge.’

Pobull Fhìnn, Uist

Pobull Fhìnn, Uist

Pobull Fhìnn, Fionn's People, Stone circle on North Uist, Outer Hebrides

Pobull Fhìnn, Fionn’s People, Stone circle on North Uist, Outer Hebrides

2 Responses to “Fionn’s People”

  1. This is phenomenal, Philip! I haven’t been to this one, but had long heard about it; it also has some interesting folklore… Blessings /|

  2. I love the fact that I take these place names and run them through Google Maps and the response is ‘location not understood’… This is going on to my list of places to go… 🙂

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