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" The songs of our ancestors

are also the songs of our children "

The Druid Way

Druidry = Felt Experience + Understanding – Mount Haemus News

August 23rd, 2016

31RF40j5PXL._SX331_BO1,204,203,200_Druidry is an experiential path – helping us to grow by deepening our connection to Nature, the Elements, Story, the Ancestors. But it’s also a path of learning and scholarship, because we need understanding as well as felt experience. That’s why the Druid’s Prayer begins: “Grant, O God/dess Understanding…”

To foster scholarship, the Order of Bards Ovates & Druids has a scholarship programme that awards a new scholar every year, who in return provides a paper of relevance to contemporary Druidry. It is called ‘The Mount Haemus Award’. Here is an update on its activities

  1. The Mount Haemus paper for 2016 has been submitted and is now published: ‘Tree Lore is Wisdom’.  In this excellent and comprehensive paper, author Mike Darton – lexicographer, encyclopaedist, classicist, religious historian, and musicologist – traces the history of ogam in the Druid tradition, starting with the alphabet itself and its apparent origins. Read it here.
  2. The Mount Haemus scholarship for 2017 has been awarded to Jonathan Woolley. His paper is entitled: The Elementary Forms of Druidic Life: Towards a Moral Ecology of Land, Sea, and Sky, and you can read about it here.
  3. The Mount Haemus Lectures Volume 2 – which has all the lectures from 2008 to 2016 with a brief introduction by Philip Carr-Gomm is available in paperback from Amazon UK and USA. And soon from the OBOD Store and on kindle ebook. Copies will be on sale at the Gathering on 3rd September.
  4. The opportunity to book a place on one of OBOD’s fantastic gatherings – the Mount Haemus Day on September 3rd – will close at noon this Friday. The next gathering will be in 4 years time! There are a few places left – for details and to book click here.

4 Responses to “Druidry = Felt Experience + Understanding – Mount Haemus News”

  1. Hi, dear Philip! I’m very intrigued – does the etymology of The Mount Haemus News has any relationship with the name of the Bulgarian Balkan Mountains – Mount Haemus? By my heart – I`ll be with all of you on September 3rd!

    • Yes Polina. It is inspired by the Balkan mountains, but it probably originally refers to the very draughty nature of an old Chief Druid’s house where they met!! Blessings to you! Philip /|\

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