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" Seek the truth and run from

those who claim to have found it "

after André Gide

DruidCraft Audio & eBook

May 27th, 2013

61ohGElB5AL._SL500_AA300_PIaudible,BottomRight,13,73_AA300_Back in 2001 a book of mine came out called DruidCraft – the Magic of Wicca & Druidry. After a few years it went out of print, and Stephanie and I focused on what felt like the next step: The DruidCraft Tarot.

Over the last year we’ve revisited the book and recorded an audioversion with Damh the Bard, who provided the music and engineering, and Will Worthington, who provided a beautiful image for the cover.

It’s 4.40 hrs long (!) and you can hear a sample via the links given below.

In addition we’ve created eBook and paperback editions, which include an account of the DruidCraft school called Avronelle which we set up in Aotearoa, New Zealand.

See Amazon UK

or Amazon US

16 Responses to “DruidCraft Audio & eBook”

    • Hi, I cannot download it, did you do this for free? i don’t want to give my bankaccount and stuff! Is it possible to send the files to my mail? I would be so thankful! greetings!

      • Hi Martine,
        We would love to do this for free – but it took months to record this with four voices, add the music, engineer the recordings, etc. etc. Plus the suppliers need their payment for making it an audiobook you can pause whenever you want and pick up again at the same place, and so on. Plus the world goes round and mouths need feeding! When you say you cannot download it, do you mean technically? If you don’t want to give your finance details online that means you can never buy anything on the internet. There are all sorts of guarantees in place to protect your account from internet misuse, so I wouldn’t worry!

  1. Yes, it must have taken quite a bit of your time and inspiration; but the result is beautiful; and since reading has become somewhat difficult to me, this audio version is a great gift.

  2. I got a copy of this the first time around, but gave/lent it to a fellow OBODy from the message board. I hope he has put it to good use over the years! But this gives me the opportunity to replace it 🙂

  3. I read the book years ago and loved it. My intro to Druidry. I have wanted to read it again recently and listening might be the perfect alternative. Thank you for this beautiful and intelligent work!

  4. Just downloaded it – have been waiting for this since it was announced. 🙂 Listening now, and it sounds as beautiful as I had imagined.

  5. Seems its not available for my Android tablet… shame i was looking forward to this audio book

  6. I picked Druidcraft up in a used book store and really enjoyed it. Looking forward to the audio version. Sorry it’s out of print. Can you obtain the rights and re-pub yourself?

  7. Having reached the grand young age of
    60 on the 27th, my son gave me – among other things – a £25 itunes voucher. This must be synchronicity at work! As soon as I had mastered the intricacies of registering the voucher on my ipad mini ‘Druidcraft’ was my first purchase. I was drawn in immediately. Thank you.

  8. Wonderful! There are so few Pagan/Druid audiobooks out there – as a dyslexic person I really love them, and I know visually impaired people who do, too. Thanks for doing this!

  9. Wow, Phil, I am grateful that one of my FB friends put up the link to the audiobook! I’ll get it now, and I know I’ll enjoy Damh’s contributions. We’re really enjoying working on the deck, news fairly soon for you……
    Blessings from Caroline at The Fool’s Dog

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