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" One touch of nature

makes all the world kin "

William Shakespeare

Dialogue in the Dark

April 4th, 2010

One Response to “Dialogue in the Dark”

  1. Hi Philip! Hoping you still remember me – haven’t been active in the Order for a few years (3 or so) – you used two of my ritual poems in the new Ovate Grade material, I believe, and due to all kinds of computer crashings, I no longer have an email address for you! (my full email address was supplied with this post – do drop me a line if you have time.)

    I’m posting on this because firstly, I would like to get back in touch with you as firstly, my latest work is something I’m sure you would find interesting!
    Also, about this film.
    In December I was in New York as I was working/an invited guest for a dinner to celebrate Cambridge University’s 800th anniversary. My dinner companion there was telling about a restaurant that works on the same principles in London. You eat your entire meal in the dark. He told me it was quite a challenging experience, but one he wholly recommended! Because you cannot see your food, any judgments you make about the look of it are irrelevant – you are reliant on taste and texture only. It made me think about what food I may have refused in the past simply because of how it looks. Also, about what happens to table etiquette in such a circumstance – does the ordering of cutlery take on a new dimension when you are seeking physical reference points for the location of items? I hope to do that myself at some point in the future. This item has just reminded me I meant to do so!

    In the meantime, do drop me a line! I would love to catch up a bit.

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