Celebrating the Summer Solstice in Sussex
June 15th, 2015
Join us in rural West Sussex for a talk, a pilgrimage and a celebration of the Summer Solstice.
Philip’s talk starts at 11.00am, followed by a local pilgrimage, returning for a closing celebration which ends at 4.00pm.
Please be sure to bring a pack lunch as there is nowhere to buy food. Be prepared for any weather, rain or shine, as we will be outside in the magical woodland all day. We will be starting and finishing in the beautiful garden of Chithurst Manor. To book a place go to gatekeeper.org.uk
4 Responses to “Celebrating the Summer Solstice in Sussex”
Not in UK, but in Nederland? You’rewelcome at a Midsummer Solstice Festival, Celebration & Picnic, with songs & stories, dancing & dining, chatting & chuckling. https://www.facebook.com/events/117389818595486/
Sunday, June 21, 2015; from 14.00, Ceremony at 16.00 – God, gemeente & weather willing.
Back of, behind & beyond, Laanweg 69 – Sign of the Fishes – 1031 JC Amsterdam Noord – Van der Pekplein = https://www.facebook.com/Laanweg69 – https://www.facebook.com/Laanweg69/info?tab=overview.
Bring what you will – all the above is my fantasy, what happens depends on who comes, with what!
Contact: chrisvdavies@yahoo.com – 020-2233303 – https://www.facebook.com/ChristopherVipondDavies
Although this is not a “performance event”, it can be regarded as part of https://www.facebook.com/ChristopherVipondDaviesUniversalPeaceHerldTribTour
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The link to the Nederland is not working.
This was a great event, throughly enjoyed your talk and the beauty of the setting – met some very interesting people and learned a lot, which is always good. Thanks to the Gatekeeper Trust for organising the event.
Many thanks Suburban Druid! 🙂
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