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" The songs of our ancestors

are also the songs of our children "

The Druid Way

The Art of the Master Builders with Dominique Susani

August 22nd, 2014


Offered for the first time in England, training in the authentic tradition of the European Master Builders; the creators of the great cathedrals.

This workshop will teach the principle method from the tradition which unites the energies of the Sun, Moon and Earth. Specifically it is the alignment of solar geometries, latitude and solstice positions which create powerful energetic mandalas, whose proportions harmonise with the nature of place. This ‘natural geometry’ is combined with geomancy to connect our buildings and ourselves with the Earth’s healing energies. This Earth alchemy is a living expression of the Hermetic tradition.

The weekend will be split between both learning the theory and construction methods of the mandala’s and then creating and interacting with them in the beautiful gardens of the college.

Dominique is a master geomancer and a descendant of the builders. He has a lifetime of experience working with the ancient art of stones, cromlechs, dolmens and labyrinths. An expert in the energetic harmonisation of houses, buildings and environment, Dominique is a well-respected authority on Earth energies and their impact on human beings.

October 4th + 5th 2014
Venue ; Emerson College, Hartfield Road, Forest Row, East Sussex, RH18 5JX
Course cost ; £170.00
Accommodation and vegetarian meals are available at Emerson College for course participants ( for an additional cost ).
Places are limited. To secure a place or obtain further information contact Mark Leib at or call 07769 617595

Dominique Susani

Dominique Susani

Dominique, his teachers and colleagues, have collated what is known about earth energies and sacred geometry in Europe and are reviving them as a living practice. This knowledge was suppressed and lost over the last 1,700 years.

The resulting disconnected relationship with the earth then spread to the colonies and the New World, with sad and destructive results for indigenous people who had maintained their reciprocal relationship with land and life.

The revival of this European wisdom tradition comes at a time when we desperately need to repair and recover a collective sense of the relationship with the land that engenders respect and responsibility in caring for our places. ~ Anne Z Parker ~ The Boulder Centre for Master Builders

earth alchemy

2 Responses to “The Art of the Master Builders with Dominique Susani”

  1. I can´t make it this time. is there another seminar sceduled next year?

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