This beautiful Scottish Gaelic love song was writen by Dòmhnall Ruadh Chorùna for his love Magaidh NicLeòid. Dòmhnall composed the song as a love letter whilst in the trenches at the battle of the Somme during the First World War. This gives his words such poignancy and power. I include here the lyrics both in the Gaelic and English and a video of Karen Matheson performing a very touching version.
- Gur duilich leam mar tha mi
- ‘S mo chridhe ‘n sàs aig bròn
- Bhon an uair a dh’fhàg mi
- Beanntan àrd a’ cheò
- Gleanntannan a’mhànrain
- Nan loch, nam bàgh ‘s nan sròm
- ‘S an eala bhàn tha tàmh ann
- Gach latha air ‘m bheil mi ‘n tòir.
- A Mhagaidh na bi tùrsach
- A rùin, ged gheibhinn bàs-
- Cò am fear am measg an t-sluaigh
- A mhaireas buan gu bràth?
- Chan eil sinn uile ach air chuairt
- Mar dhìthein buaile fàs
- Bheir siantannan na blianna sios
- ‘S nach tog a’ ghrian an àird.
- Tha ‘n talamh leir mun cuairt dhìom
- ‘Na mheallan suas ‘s na neòil;
- Aig na ‘shells a’ bualadh –
- Cha leir dhomh bhuam le ceò:
- Gun chlaisneachd aig mo chluasan
- Le fuaim a’ ghunna mhòir;
- Ach ged tha ‘n uair seo cruaidh orm
- Tha mo smuaintean air NicLeòid.
- Air m’ uilinn anns na truinnsichean
- Tha m’ inntinn ort, a ghràidh;
- Nam chadal bidh mi a’ bruadar ort
- Cha dualach dhomh bhith slàn;
- Tha m’ aigne air a lionadh
- Le cianalas cho làn
- ‘S a’ghruag a dh’fhàs cho ruadh orm
- A nis air thuar bhith bàn.
- Ach ma thig an t-àm
- Is anns an Fhraing gu faigh mi bàs
- ‘S san uaigh gun tèid mo shìneadh
- Far eil na mìltean chàch,
- Mo bheannachd leis a’ ghruagaich,
- A’ chaileag uasal bhàn –
- Gach là a dh’fhalbh gun uallach dhi,
- Gun nàire gruaidh na dhàil.
- Oidhche mhath leat fhèin, a rùin
- Nad leabaidh chùbhraidh bhlàth;
- Cadal sàmhach air a chùl
- Do dhùsgadh sunndach slàn.
- Tha mise ‘n seo ‘s an truinnsidh fhuar
- ‘S nam chluasan fuaim bhàis
- Gun duil ri faighinn às le buaidh –
- Tha ‘n cuan cho buan ri shnàmh.
- Sad I consider my condition
- With my heart engaged with sorrow
- From the very time that I left
- The high bens of the mist
- The little glens of dalliance
- Of the lochs, the bays and the forelands
- And the white swan dwelling there
- Whom I daily pursue.
- O Maggie, don’t be sad
- Love, if I should die –
- Who among men
- Endures eternally?
- We are all only on a journey
- Like flowers in the deserted cattle fold
- That the year’s wind and rain will bring down
- And that the sun cannot raise.
- All the ground around me
- Is like hail in the heavens;
- With the shells exploding –
- I am blinded by smoke:
- My ears are deafened
- By the roar of the cannon;
- But despite the savagery of the moment
- My thoughts are on the girl called MacLeod.
- Crouched in the trenches
- My mind is fixed on you, love;
- In sleep I dream of you
- I am not fated to survive;
- My spirit is filled
- With a surfeit of longing
- And my hair once so auburn
- Is now almost white.
- But if it should happen
- That I am killed in France
- And laid in the grave
- As thousands are already,
- My blessings go with the maiden,
- So noble and fair.
- May her every day be free of care,
- And her life a source of pride.
- Goodnight to you, love
- In your warm, sweet-smelling bed;
- May you have peaceful sleep and afterwards
- May you waken healthy and in good spirits.
- I am here in the cold trench
- With the clamour of death in my ears
- With no hope of returning victorious-
- The ocean is too wide to swim.
One Response to “An Eala Bhàn”
A beautiful song performed with a lovely gentleness and sensitivity
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