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" Seek the truth and run from

those who claim to have found it "

after André Gide

A Druid Film!

May 23rd, 2017

Ellen Evert Hopman

Ellen Evert Hopman has written extensively on Druidry and Herbalism but many of you will know and have read Ellen’s fabulous trilogy of Druid novels: Priestess of the Forest – A Druid Journey; The Druid Isle, and Priestess of the Fire Temple – A Druid’s Tale. I am delighted to hear that Ellen is creating a film based on her books and in the last week has launched a fund raising campaign for the project. To find out more and to lend you support, visit Ellen’s Patreon Page.

11 Responses to “A Druid Film!”

    • That’s great Debi – do please contact Ellen directly via the links above.

  1. Might be interested in helping. I’m a commercial cinematographer from Lancashire, Druid, musician etc, and have worked on similar work as a cameraman with the Tales of Albion production a couple of years ago from EgoTrip Media and Banshee Productions.

  2. I have read all theee books it will b great to c them made into flims

  3. I would love to be a supporting actor! I am a supporting actor in a new movie in the Netherlands about king Radboud. Cheers and best of luck with this project!!!

    • Thanks John – For any offers of help do contact Ellen directly via the links above.

  4. Love this project Ellen! Good luck! Can’t wait for the finished film.

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