The Order of Bards Ovates & Druids Golden Anniversary Grove Update
Here is an update from Trees for Life about the OBOD Golden Anniversary Grove with a link to our Grove page:
In 2014, you dedicated a grove of trees in memory of the Order’s founder Nuinn – to give back to the Earth and to celebrate the Order’s founding fifty years ago! We were truly overwhelmed by your generosity in creating a grove that received such thoughtful donations and special dedications from your friends and family.
I thought you would appreciate an update on your grove, and would be interested to hear how your trees are growing and helping to bring wildlife back into the landscape.
The native trees planted in your grove include a mix of species such as Scots pine and birch, along with aspen, rowan, willow and juniper reflecting the range of species that are found in the Caledonian Forest. They were all planted by Trees for Life volunteers and each personal dedication written on your grove page was read out as your trees were planted.
The trees planted within your grove are less than a year old. Birch trees are growing the fastest, and are now helping to provide shelter and protection from the elements for the other trees which take longer to establish, such as Scots pine. Willow are also doing especially well and the aspen are showing new steady growth.
This spring, we were delighted to see an increase in Black Grouse in and around the new woodlands created by dedicated groves. These birds are very rare and declining in many parts of their range. They need a healthy mosaic of habitats both for food and protection from predators. With the planting of your grove, you have helped to conserve the natural habitats and woodlands needed to expand the population of these beautiful birds at Dundreggan.
We regularly carry out ecological surveys and some exciting discoveries have been found at Dundreggan in the last few years. Spectacular insects such as the puss moth, pebble prominent moth and the green hairstreak butterfly are just some of the species that will benefit from their expanded habitat in the future. Lots of information on the biodiversity of the Caledonian Forest and its fascinating species can be found here:
Last year we launched our new website, and this has given your grove page a slightly different look. One new feature that I particularly hope you will enjoy is the selection of seasonal photos. These will enable you to enjoy the Caledonian Forest as it changes month by month throughout the year.
You can see your grove page here To date you have 594 trees in your grove, and you are welcome to add further trees and dedications to your grove at any time.
I have included some photographs with this email to help you visualize the trees planted in your grove. As your trees are still young, I have also included a photo of mature trees so you can picture just how magnificent your trees will be in the future.
If you would the opportunity to visit your grove and also plant a tree yourself, we have a special Grove Day at Dundreggan on Sunday 13th September 2015. Places are limited for this guided tour so please contact me asap on for more details.
Thank you for continuing to expand the Caledonian Forest through your generous support. We look forward to adding further trees to your grove and watching them grow with you in the years to come.