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" Seek the truth and run from

those who claim to have found it "

after André Gide

The Eternal, Sacred Connection

March 22nd, 2017

Debra Bernier is a Canadian artist who takes items from nature, such as driftwood, feathers, shells and stones and creates beautiful sculptures with them. In an interview with Bored, Debra talks a little about her work,

When I work with driftwood, I never start with a blank canvas. Each piece of driftwood is already a sculpture, created by the caresses of the waves and wind. The wood tells a story and I try to think of its journey as I hold it in my hand. I extend or shorten the curves and contours that already exist into familiar shapes of animals or peoples’ faces.The finished pieces are a reflection of not only my life, my family, and children, but of an eternal, sacred connection we all share with nature.

To view more of her wonderful pieces, visit Debra’s website.  


One Response to “The Eternal, Sacred Connection”

  1. “… an eternal, sacred connection we all share with nature”. Dear Debra, how happy are those, who are listening the fairy tales of the trees and the wind, of the rain and the dawn! I am deeply impressed of your art!

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