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" The Holy Land is everywhere "

Black Elk

The Third Way

March 15th, 2008

A growing number of people in the world are becoming aware of the enormous difficulties and challenges the world is facing. Climate change, overpopulation and other factors are leading some scientists to the conclusion that the human race may not survive the century (eg Martin Rees, former President of the British Association for the Advancement of Science, in Our Final Century).

Apart from this growing number of people there remains the rest of humanity who simply aren’t aware of the gravity of the situation. Their thoughts and concerns are focussed on other issues – getting enough food to eat, struggling with economic and health problems, or perhaps just shopping.

I believe that we don’t have to be caught between the ‘devil and the deep blue sea’ of being either unaware, and hence ignorant, or of being aware and consequently frightened and confused.

We need a third way that faces reality – recognising the critical nature of this moment in the world’s history – but which is also hopeful: that is anchored in Spirit and open to the opportunity for transformation this moment represents.

This might seem ridiculously naive to some people, for how can one be hopeful when all the facts point to the unsustainability of the present situation? But from the point of view of this third way, the issue is not one of matter but of consciousness. As we stand at this point in time humanity faces a collective initiation into another level of awareness.

What is very hopeful indeed is that so many people seem to be awakening to a heightened level of awareness – as witnessed by the extraordinary response to the work of Eckhart Tolle – who talks about awareness with such clarity and wisdom. In a week over a million people downloaded or watched his live webcast with Oprah Winfrey. Who would have believed, even a few years ago, that this level of awakening could happen?

You can hear the talks or watch them at: