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" Seek the truth and run from

those who claim to have found it "

after André Gide

Sacred Economics – The Revolution is Love

December 6th, 2011

6 Responses to “Sacred Economics – The Revolution is Love”

  1. Wonderful! Thank you for sharing Philip.

    Have you ever read Adam Smith’s Theory of Moral Sentiment? It’s his companion essay to the Wealth of Nations. In it, he argues that humankind’s moral life is driven by a sense of “sympathy” (we’d call it empathy) for others, rather than a desire to control or restrict – it’s a brilliant refutation of Hobbes. Unfortunately, conventional economics has ignored this vital aspect to Smith’s thinking, and adopted a model of humanity that centers solely upon self-interest.

    It sounds like Eisenstein has restored that severed connection. Good for him!

  2. Love Economics
    Published: March 31, 2011 09:56 by Madan

    “From sraddha (faith) to prema (pure love), all are fractions of prema.”
    His Divine Grace Swami Bhaktivedanta Narayan Maharaja

    There’s only one reality
    and it matters not that we
    describe or see it differently,
    as long as we somehow come to know
    that unconditional love
    is the only way to go.

    Love is the only currency
    whose value increases by investing it
    freely in all directions,
    without any consideration of return.

    It won’t be religion, fiscal policy
    or any kind of utopian philosophy
    that repairs the broken world economy,
    but love can and does fix everything.

    Love is the common source, the common meaning
    and the common goal of life.
    No-one and nothing can survive without love.

    We ask our third world brothers and sisters,
    ‘Can you afford food, water, shelter and fuel?’
    and the answer in our money-based global economy is ‘No!’
    So we let 30,000 children die of starvation every day.

    The great irony of this deliberate policy
    of population reduction, according to the Vedas,
    is that anyone deprived of their natural duration of life
    must take birth again to live out their full term.
    So the policy actually causes over-population.

    The solution is to show the way through love,
    as the only solid and practical basis of our economy,
    the only certain path to economic recovery, prosperity
    and perfect happiness that works equally for everybody.

    Call me on old hippy if you like,
    but that’s the only policy I’m voting for…

    “Sab piyare koro!” (Love everyone!) =:-)
    His Divine Grace Swami Bhaktivedanta Narayan Maharaja

  3. This is an interesting idea. The practical part of me wonders about its true potential. Is this the movement that will end poverty? Is it going to bring us a world where no person has more or less value than another? Perhaps a time is coming when we will value each other for what we give, as well as what we acomplish or what we have. I would certainly like to see this happen in my lifetime and I am interested to see how they plan to make it work.

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