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" Seek the truth and run from

those who claim to have found it "

after André Gide

The Gatekeeper Trust Annual Conference

October 20th, 2014


The Gatekeeper Trust is a lovely organisation that encourages a deep spiritual connection to the land as a way of healing our planet, communities and selves. They are holding their annual conference on the 29-30 November in Pewsey, Wiltshire. Here is an extract from their website about their approach and some information about the forthcoming conference:

At this time when we are desecrating our planet as never before, there is a real need to rediscover our connection with our  environment, to be in tune with the landscape at a deeper level, and to realize how it affects us, and we it.

It is known that we are affected mentally and  emotionally for the better by living in peaceful and beautiful  surroundings. Each of us knows at least one place where we feel special – somewhere that makes us seem more alive, more truly ourselves.  It is here that we connect with the spirit of place and find universal  harmony. By going to places to which you feel drawn, and offering your  healing love through meditation, dance, song and prayer, or whatever  feels right, places and communities can be transformed,  atmospheres made lighter and more harmonious. Often a corresponding  change takes place in you too! ‘We live in the landscape and the landscape lives in us’…

…The Gatekeeper Trust welcomes the interest and support  of all who respond in their hearts to the adventure of Temple seeking  and renewal, or simply enjoy walking with mindfulness. We not only exchange consciousness with the land, but also explore  history, mythology, archaeology, poetry and the arts, and their  relevance in today’s changing world. We have a programme throughout the  year of local and national events. Groups frequently meet at the  equinoxes and solstices and other traditional festival  times to celebrate The Wheel of the Year through pilgrimage. Journeys through the outer landscape can create within us new frontiers of inner  perspective, new depths of potential within ourselves. The Earth has an  abundance of simple gifts to be enjoyed and  released within us. We invite you to discover them with us.

The Butterfly is our symbol – the Gatekeeper or Hedge  Brown has orange-brown wings and a black spot with two white pupils on  its forewings. Known for its guardianship of gates and hedges, it is  most often seen as one goes in and out of fields  and woods and along roadside verges. The butterfly is the Earthly  partner of the elemental kingdom, its presence frequently accompanies us  on pilgrimage – a sign as one crosses the threshold of a sacred place  and seeks permission to enter. Engaged with the  fairy and nature realms, the butterfly reminds us of the alchemical  transformation of Earthly substance, keeping the Temples mysteriously  tended and alive for humanity to rediscover. ~ Roma Harding, Gatekeeper Friend

29 – 30 November 2014
Bouverie Hall, North Street, Pewsey, Wiltshire, SN9 5ES
Weekend ticket – £65, One day only – £35

Sarah Dawkins, Christian Kyriacou, Sylvia Francke, David Furlong,
Caroline Hoare, Eric Maddern, Karen Ralls and Jeremy Rye

I think what has happened to the human community in our times is that we are talking to ourselves. We are not talking to the river, we are not listening to the river. We have broken the great conversation. By breaking the conversation, we have shattered the universe. ~ Thomas Berry

Many famous routes of pilgrimage follow ancient tracks through beautiful countryside. Yet pilgrimage is equally alive in town, with famous routes connecting historic towns and cities. As so many people live in densely built up places, seemingly disconnected from nature, this weekend conference will explore what it means to be an urban pilgrim and how we can renew ‘the great conversation’ with nature.

For more information about the Conference click hereThe Gate Keeper Trust website can be found here.