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For Robin Gibb

May 21st, 2012

Robin Gibb 1949 – 2012
Photo credit: Beeld En Geluid Wiki – Gallerie: Toppop 1973

Dear Robin,

May your journey to the Isles of the Blessed, to the fields of Bliss, to the land of freedom and splendour, be swift and sure.

May the Light be your guide on the journey.

By the beauty of the fields, the woods and the sea, we send you our love and blessings.

5 Responses to “For Robin Gibb”

  1. Blessings and Peace Robin.

    A true artist and inspiration, My thoughts go out to your family and friends in this dark night, remember that in the morning hope emerges, celebrate this wonderful man.

    “Surely as the sun sets, new suns are rising.
    As winter heralds springs horizon, don’t cry alone.”

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