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" Seek the truth and run from

those who claim to have found it "

after André Gide

Enyo – The One Who Opens Doors

July 23rd, 2012

Polina Gerdjikova, a correspondent from Bulgaria, who is an artist and poet, sent me a photo of her painting ‘Summer Solstice’ and a verse she had written for that time. I’m sorry they are late in going up, but they are beautiful and inspiring and here they are! Today it is gloriously hot and sunny in Sussex and Polina’s painting reminds me of Bulgarian villages visited in such bright sunshine.

The Day of Enyo (the Summer Solstice) by Polina Gerdjikova


Like a labris we are staying in the middle of the Time,

at the center of the fluid Light,

and like the Sun today experience and realize

the kingdoms of the Red mother and the White

– two faces of the Oneness.

Happy Alban Hefin! Happy Summer solstice – in Bulgarian: The day of Enyo (Janus), The One Who opens doors!

Polina Gerdjikova