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Eclipses, the Solstice and a ‘Millennial Moment’

June 20th, 2011

On Wednesday there was a lunar eclipse, blood-red because of the Chilean volcano eruption. Tomorrow is the solstice. On 1st July there is a solar eclipse. A lot of powerful stuff is happening astrologically and there is much on the net about it, including many video clips. Here are two I’ve found that are amongst the clearest. The first on the eclipses, and what John Wadsworth here describes as a ‘Millennial Moment’ on 1st July. The second focuses on the solstice. His websites are Kairos Astrology and The Alchemical Journey.

One Response to “Eclipses, the Solstice and a ‘Millennial Moment’”

  1. Thank you for posting this… I drew the Moon, the Sun and Death from the Druidcraft Tarot… Challenging and transforming time.
    Solstice Blessing to all
    D’Arzhur -Dany

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