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and puddle-wonderful "


New Series of Adventures in Nutopia!

September 29th, 2023

Many of you will know that OBOD worked with the fabulous presenter David Bramwell to bring you his wonderful podcast ‘Adventures in Nutopia’. A lot of you will have enjoyed the series and will be excited to hear that Series 2 has been launched! You can hear the first episode of the new series here and an appetizer for the new series on  Youtube or here:…/adventures…/id1649333497…
You can also catch up with Series 1 if you haven’t yet listened – it is well worth it! We were also delighted to hear that the Guardian newspaper rated the podcast in their top five, saying,
David Bramwell’s podcast exploring radical ideas and social movements is back with four hour-long documentaries. There are shamanic pop experiences, experiments on plants and guests such as the Eden Project’s Sir Tim Smit talking poetically about the climate crisis and power. An absorbing, thought-provoking listen.

Find series 1 & 2 on Spotify, apple podcasts, Youtube. Just search for Adventures in Nutopia!