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An old-fashioned idea

December 11th, 2007

More information just in proves how old-fashioned Stephanie, Will Worthington and I are. We held a book launch yesterday for The Druid Plant Oracle at Treadwell’s bookshop in London, and there’s a picture of it below. Reasonable enough you might say.

But no! It turns out that it’s desperately old-fashioned. We could have launched it at a party in the virtual world so that anyone, wherever they live, could come, as Kevan Manwaring will soon. Here’s his announcement:

The Sun Miners, my latest young adult fantasy novel, is being launched in the virtual reality otherworld Second Life, The Mystic Dome, Wed 19th December, 10pm GMT at I’ll talk about its ideas, its evolution, and read out a sample chapter before answering any questions. So create yourself a snazzy avatar and come and join the cyber-party – the weirdest fancy dress bash you could imagine… The venue is a beautiful healing space where talks and demonstrations are given.

Druid Plant Oracle book launch

4 Responses to “An old-fashioned idea”

  1. NA keep to the real world tis more fun!!! Love the picture. All the same it is interesting maybe soon we will all be online all the time and then there will be no time to spend with the trees. That does it my laptop is banned from home so I can’t be tempted

  2. Yes, well… cyber isn’t everything you know.

    Frankly, the brownies taste like acid and don’t even get me started on the hot-chocolate they serve at these parties.

    Nope, just stick to the real world, much more eatable uhm.. enjoyable.

  3. I want to congratulate you, Stephanie, Will and all involved with the production of the Druid Plant Oracle. It is amazing. I am the fellow from the states (Sacramento, California) who won a copy via the Druidcast podcast and it arrived yesterday.

    I must admit a bit of shameful glee (if there can be such a thing) in that I called up some fellow grove members here in Sacramento and with every ounce of the inner bratty child i possess said…”Nanny Nanny Boo Boo..Guess what I have and you don’t!” (Michael Gorman ‘made’ me come over and show it to him in person already. :] )

    Of course, I will be sharing and showing off your wonderful work…I am hosting our grove’s Solstice celebration on the 21st.

    Please accept my very best wishes to you and your family this Solstice and thank you for all you do for the Order.

    David Shorey
    Sacramento Grove of the Oak
    Sacramento, California

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