‘World Druidry: A Globalizing Path of Nature Spirituality’ E-Book Launch
The physical books were designed and priced for an anticipated academic/scholarly/library audience, rather than for regular, every-day Druids. The goal was to offer the world a solid source of information about modern Druids, to combat the widely-circulated myths and misinformation about our tradition. In this, it was successful. The book has gotten a couple of great reviews in peer-reviewed journals, has been added to the recommended reading lists for several university courses, as well as finding a place in half a dozen top-tier university libraries over here in the USA — including Harvard and Princeton.
However, since its publication, Larisa have received many requests from fellow Druids for the book to be released in electronic form, as the costs of book manufacturing and international shipping (both monetarily, and in terms of carbon-footprint) — not to mention the import/export tariffs — were simply too much of a burden for too many practicing Druids. So, Larisa went back to school and learned how to make ebooks of comparable quality to the physical editions.