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" A good traveller has no fixed plans,

and is not intent on arriving "

Lao Tzu

Wild Women Spring Gathering

January 15th, 2019

Wild Women Retreats have shared here the details of their wonderful Imbolc Gathering this year! There is still time to get your ticket!

Wild Women Spring Gathering – a full day of Imbolc Celebration!
Saturday 2 February 2019 10-4pm at the Assembly Rooms of Glastonbury.
Tickets are £50.

As the Dark time of Winter melts into Spring, we will gather at Brighid’s Hearth for a day of Imbolc Celebration in the Heart of Glastonbury.

Our special guest, Danu Forest, will be joining us this year, bringing with her the essence of ‘Brighid’s Flame’.

Together we will bring Brighid’s gifts to our Gathering, and learn of her wisdom and passion. We will warm our own hearts around her hearth and celebrate together.

To get your ticket email us at

When the mists lift from this sacred Isle, we will stand in circle around her Hearth.
Brighid, your flame shines bright in our hearts.
Wielding a hammer at the anvil we feel your strength,
Weaving words in sacred rhyme, we hear your song.
Gathering herbs from our land, we heal our wounds.
Standing in a circle of women, hand in hand, heart to heart we give birth to your gifts.