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" Live out of your imagination

not your history "

Stephen R. Covey

TreeStory Campaign

May 17th, 2016

TreeStory is a inspiring project that I have posted about before here on my Blog, sharing the first three of their wonderful short films about our relationships with trees. This last week, director Ward Serrill has launched a campaign to raise funds to continue the project. Here is Ward in his own words both written and on film explaining about the projects aims. To get involved click here and for more information go to the TreeStory Website


Treestory is a series of tree-inspired films and a MOVEMENT to plant trees. By inspiring a campaign to share treestories, we will awaken more awareness and care for trees around the world. The trees need us! We ask you to befriend a specific tree in your life during this campaign and we ask for your critical support to create films that inspire a radical change in how trees are perceived and treated.  

Thank you! – Ward Serrill, Director

Who am I and Why Tree films?

Everywhere I have ever lived I have formed a relationship with one particular tree. Over time this tree became a sort of companion that stayed with me. One tree in particular, a cedar in Alaska changed my life. I was living in a wizard’s hut by the sea, a place I called Shakri-La by a waterfall. One day I was up on top of the falls and found myself magnetized towards this tree. I could see markings where Tlingit Indians had harvested some cedar bark from its side, perhaps fifty years before. I fell into a deep communion and I made a promise to it that one day I would work for the trees. Treestory is the fulfillment of that promise.

What: Share TreeStories, Create Films, Plant Trees

Let’s ignite a campaign for the trees and make 5 new films! TreeStory is a series of dynamic short films about people’s relationship to our oldest companions on earth, the trees. I create films to heal and inspire and TreeStory reflects my deep appreciation and devotion to nature. All change and care begins with awareness and that is the aim of TreeStory. By telling and sharing stories about trees, we will create a network of greater support and care for the trees that support us.

You will be creating the first film series ever that puts trees at the center. Our first three TreeStory films were about an activist, a biologist and a tree rescuer. We plan five more upcoming films with the Chief Druid of the UK, two Native American singers, a mythologist, a photographer and a man whose mission is to save the seed stock of all of America’s most majestic trees.

Not only will you help co-produce these five films, but through a partnership with the Arbor Day Foundation when you join the campaign we will plant up to hundreds of trees in your name.

How Much and When?

The budget for each short tree film is $4,000. Each time we reach a threshold ($4,000, $8,000, $12,000, $16,000) we will make another film. 5 films = $20,000. The money pays for equipment, personnel, travel expenses, tape logging, transcriptions, music and editing.

The campaign runs through mid June. I will fulfill pledges by late summer. By October 1, I will create three new films and film two more. I will finish the last two films by December 31 2016.

The Challenge: 30 days with one tree.

To honor this campaign I am going to spend part of the next 30 days with a special and beautiful Madrona tree in Port Townsend where I live. On the last day of the campaign I will spend 24 hours in the tree. I will be exploring its secrets and reporting back to you in writings, poems, photographs and video what I discover about it and about myself in it.

Take the journey – befriend a tree

Take the journey with me and celebrate a relationship with a single tree in your life. During this campaign I ask you to find one tree and just notice it or be with it a little each day. It might improve your well being. It might help you to find hope amidst often discouraging environmental news. It might help you discover a new source of support in your life. We’ll have a conversation about the meaning and experience of trees. Who knows how it might change us…

Stand Up for the Trees

With the right kind of determination and support we will create something good, true and beautiful in the world. TreeStory is an offering to you. We are doing something here that has great potential, perhaps beyond what we can see right now. Like a small potent seed that grows a mighty tree…we’ll start a cool green fire of tree awareness around the world.

Let’s tell a great TreeStory!

Ward Serrill, Director and Madrona tree whisperer

2 Responses to “TreeStory Campaign”

  1. Three trees of particular significance are Oak, Elder and Holly, one near to my home and two immediately close in back and front gardens. The Elder is my Mother and offers nurturing and sustenance in all ways.

    Best Wishes with the Tree Stories

  2. In the wood 5 minutes from where I live there is a very old, large Beech tree. Its branches reach out and form a canopy, some almost reach the ground. It is very tall between 30 -40 feet I think. It stands proudly in the centre of the wood. When I visit it I feel protected and at peace. I go there as often as I can and spend time admiring it and being thankful for this giant beech tree.

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