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" Live out of your imagination

not your history "

Stephen R. Covey

TreeSisters – Women Seeding Change

November 20th, 2015

sun-rays-through-rainforest-trees-quincy-deinTreeSisters is a wonderful project that aims to nurture and build a positive, world-wide network of women who financially support charities and groups across the planet that are fighting deforestation.  They ask the question: ‘What becomes possible when millions of women remember who and what we really are – and then direct that collectively towards the greening of our world?’

Here is some information from their website and a short film about their work:

Our first major tree campaign will launch with the new web site in spring 2016 – but please give now so that we can keep getting trees into the ground. When you join TreeSisters, we will keep you up to date with all tree news in our monthly newsletters.

2072159062_a62067047e_oAs we are getting started, our first beneficiary partner is Project GreenHands in southern India. They are planting millions of trees to protect against fast spreading desertification and diminishing monsoons – 23,000 of them have been funded by TreeSisters over this last year.

We are supporting agro-forestry development to protect the land, to recharge the water tables, and reduce farmer suicides – protecting the wives and children, whilst increasing forest based income and reducing malnutrition.


One Response to “TreeSisters – Women Seeding Change”

  1. Thank you for posting this, Philip. This is something that resonates so deeply within me and has come into my life at the perfect time, of course. Shine on xXx

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