Tree Alchemy
In these opening days of the New Year I’ve been focussing on trees, catching up on the work of the three charities the Order supports (The Woodland Trust, Tree Aid and Trees for Life), surveying some of the other amazing projects that now exist to promote tree-planting, watching videos from The Tree Conference held in Glastonbury last November, and revelling in the words of tree expert Diana Beresford-Kroeger.
Last summer I met the lovely TreeGirl, Julianne Skai Arbor. I interviewed her about her book, and then we swapped places and she interviewed me. The result is a beautifully produced interview that is now first in a series she is calling ‘Tree Alchemy’.
Julianne writes: “Find out why Trees are the true Alchemists, transforming the Earth and Humankind, in this new video series. TreeGirl will be interviewing a forest of special tree people around the world about the transformative power of trees–from science to spirituality. Each episode will be unique, about 30 min. and will come out on the TreeGirl website and the TreeGirlPhoto YouTube Channel, throughout the year.” Here is episode 1: