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we are the blossoms "


Tobias Kaye Sounding Bowls

October 22nd, 2011

I remember the French Druid and harpist Myrddhin talking about the way that Breton druids would place metal objects in a cauldron, fill it with water, and then stretch reeds across the lip of the bowl. Dipping their hands in the water, the druid would then play the reeds and the cauldron would resonate – helped by the metal in the water. Apparently the sound generated would travel great distances.

In working my way through my email and blog comment back-log I have come across a message from Tobias Kaye, who – it turns out – makes the most wonderful instruments which reminded me of this Breton technique. Tobias crafts wooden bowls with strings across them. His website shows pictures and plays samples, and he has a number of videos showing how he makes them on his Youtube channel. Here is a short clip where he explains what he does and shows you some of his bowls – well worth watching despite the background noise. I hope he can come to one of our camps or gatherings next year!

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