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" One touch of nature

makes all the world kin "

William Shakespeare

The WoodHenge Carvings

April 15th, 2015

Mother-and-Child-3The WoodHenge carvings are a stunning group of sculptures by Irish artist Veronica Sexton. There are nine figures in the series: Celtic Cross; Human Butterfly; Lady of Light; Male and Female; Mother and Child; Mother Earth; Return to Source; Rising Goddess and Tree of Life.

The carvings took Veronica six years to complete and each contains a wealth of spiritual symbolism from many different cultures. They are all an impressive 3 to 4 metres in height, beautifully carved and decorated with crystals, stones, rocks, glass, painted fabric and 24 carat gold-leaf guilding. Tree-of-Life-4

If you visit the WoodHenge Carvings website you will find photos of the sculptures fabulous details with videos about each figure that explain the creative process and symbolism used. I include here a short film of Veronica speaking about her work. Human-Butterfly-7

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