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" One touch of nature

makes all the world kin "

William Shakespeare

The Trees and Woods of Albion Need Your Help!

July 19th, 2017

The Trees and Woods of Albion need your help!

The BDO – together with OBOD and the Druid Network – is supporting the call for the Charter for Trees, Woods and People. Over 70 partner organisations are writing a Tree Charter document, which sets out our rights and responsibilities for our trees in the UK.

We are asking people to sign to show support for the Tree Charter and its 10 Principles:

1. Thriving habitats for diverse species
2. Planting for the future
3. Celebrating the cultural impact of trees
4. A thriving forestry sector that delivers for the UK
5. Better protection for important trees and woods
6. Enhancing new developments with trees
7. Understanding and using the natural health benefits of trees
8. Access to trees for everyone
9. Addressing threats to woods and trees through good management
10. Strengthening landscapes with woods and trees
You can sign online or by leaving your full name as a comment below this post. For every signature of support, a tree will be planted.

Terms and conditions for signing can be found on the Tree Charter website (

If you want to help us collect signatures in your networks, then please share the above link or email

If you’d like to find out more about the Charter, or about OBOD’s plans to celebrate its launch later this year, please post below!

Image: Lars Van De Goor

28 Responses to “The Trees and Woods of Albion Need Your Help!”

  1. I am only too willing to have signed, I live in The Forest of Dean, the trees are my friends. I was blown away by the photo’s, thought I was in heaven! Nature is our true home, it cares and provides for us. It gives and gives, without it’s 528 hz energy, we would not be here.

  2. HI Phillip Im from Perth Western Australia, but most of my family is from north of England, can I sign to show support for the charter.?

  3. Please enter my name to this very worthwhile cause. I live in Auckland, New Zealand, and would love to see a Charter for Trees here too:)

  4. Great project to sign my name and soil my hands to! Have sent the link to Tree Sisters. Blessings!

  5. We fully support the idea of a tree charter but would like to point out that the oak and the ash are following the path of the elm which as we know has been wiped out. The horse chestnut has 15 years and it will be gone too (according to gardener’s question time ) . The trees in our country are in imminent danger of being totally wiped out! We suggest you add to your charter an immediate programme to put in place in the woodland the methods advocated by internationally renowned forestry and water wizard Victor Schauberger. We have working devices that you can put in the woodland immediately to help restore it to health (Buster Nolan )

  6. trees are the protectors the skin and in their great families the Lungs of our world. They tower above us in so many ways and they are all around us. They need our respect and protection as do all the habitats they create.

  7. Cath Cooper trees are so important for our health and well being and that of the planet

  8. Hi Philip,, I would just like to add my name to this petition all of nature is saicrid to me. Humphrey Clement

  9. I’m very interested in becoming involved with this very important work. If there is anything that I can do for the launch please let me know. I’m part of a Druid group in the New Forest (Clan of the Pheryllt) and this would be a wonderful way for us to do more.

  10. I have a silver birch, a fir tree, two acers and my pride and joy a rowan in my garden, together they give me pleasure, shelter, shade,cool temperatures when it’s hot beyond my little copse the rowan berries feed the birds and protect my house and I believe you can also make jam from them but most important of all they help to clean the very air I breathe. Long live trees. Please sign this on my behalf Georgina Lawn-Watts thank you for all your hard work.g

  11. We are one and all is connected.
    Herewith I sign the petition and bring it to the attention of the different organisations for the protection of Nature and forests in particular in my own country – a good example can be copied wordwide !

  12. Please add me to the petition. Do we need to go somewhere online to sign it ourselves?

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