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" One touch of nature

makes all the world kin "

William Shakespeare

The Ordinary and the Magical

March 26th, 2019

Our ‘Magical March’ finishes with Paul Corcoran joining us from Cork to explore the relationship between what we term ‘ordinary’ and what we call ‘magical.’ A big thank you to all our guest presenters this month: Pamela, Eimear, Julie & Paul.

2 Responses to “The Ordinary and the Magical”

  1. Beautiful 20 mins. It made me realise that I have lost my connection with OBOD and it is now time to reconnect. Like you I have spent many years over the Bardic and Ovate Grade and my last tutor stopped when I was about 2 Gwers from the end of Ovate grade. I went on to finish but didn’t get another tutor. Now is the time to revise again and hopefully get to the Druid grade. Thank you for giving me the inspiration to reconnect. Much love and. peace to you and. The land you walk upon . From Netti in Cornwall England.

  2. My journey has really only just begun so I don’t have the history that many other followers draw from. Thank you Paul for reminding me that there is magic all around us every day. Thank you also, for reminding us that we all seek and are no better than those who seek via different paths. 🌷

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