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" A good traveller has no fixed plans,

and is not intent on arriving "

Lao Tzu

The Magus House

January 25th, 2009

Michael Caine (I think it was) was once asked if he could live his life over again would he changed anything? His answer: I’d change nothing – except I would make sure I never watched the film ‘The Magus’. Based on the novel by John Fowles (which is a good read) everyone who made the film later revealed they didn’t have a clue about what the story was all about – and it showed! Here is a picture from Flickr of the abandoned house that inspired John Fowles in his writing. Magus House Spetses

3 Responses to “The Magus House”

  1. Hello- forgive the rather random and (according to the date you originally posted this item) somewhat belated response. I came across your post as I was looking for pictures related to The Magus. I have never seen this picture before, and I wonder if you would be so kind as to let me know where you came across it?

  2. I’ve read a few different things about Bourani, and I did read online that it is still lived in. I have also seen a photo of a villa that is supposedly Bourani but I don’t think it’s the same one that you have here. Possibly it is the same house, but the back view… but it has large pillars forming arches and I know that Fowles did describe these arches in the book.

    I suppose I’ll have to go to Spetses and find out for myself 😉

    P.S. That was Woody Allen’s quote! Michael Caine played the part of Nicholas in the film adaptation.

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