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" A good traveller has no fixed plans,

and is not intent on arriving "

Lao Tzu

The Lost Wisdom of the Grail Telesummit ~ The School of the Holy Grail in the Forest of Brocéliande

May 14th, 2018

Here is a talk I gave for Saira Salmon and The Lost Wisdom of the Grail Telesummit – The School of the Holy Grail in the Forest of Brocéliande:
Imagine a man who loves astrology, numerology, and sacred art – who is fascinated by the Druids and Arthurian lore – but who is also a Catholic priest, Abbé Henri Gillard. Because of his esoteric interests, every sermon of Gillard is vetted by the bishop, and to keep him quiet, he is sent to minister to an obscure village on the edge of an ancient forest in Brittany. What does he do? With the help of inherited money, he sets about transforming the dilapidated village church into a chapel dedicated to the Holy Grail. He wants to create a place that acts as a sort of ‘secret school’ – a place of pilgrimage in which the language of symbolism can be learned, and where the worlds of art and religion can meet; where intellectual exploration can combine with an appreciation of beauty and a mystical experience of the Otherworld.

In this illustrated talk I explore the Grail Church built by Henri Gillard, and look at why the Grail has come to have so much resonance for us in the modern age.  

One Response to “The Lost Wisdom of the Grail Telesummit ~ The School of the Holy Grail in the Forest of Brocéliande”

  1. I read Philip Carr-Gomm’s thrilling and intriguing novel ”The Prophecies” around two years ago. I was on holiday and able to relax and devour the story; finding it difficult to put down. I looked forward to meeting the characters each day. They had become almost as real as the friends around me.

    So wonderful to listen to Philip’s interview and learn more about the Abbe, the building of the church and the inspiration for the novel.

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