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" A good traveller has no fixed plans,

and is not intent on arriving "

Lao Tzu

The Lamps are Different but the Light is the Same

June 20th, 2022

The lamps are different,But the Light is the same,So many garish lamps in the dying brain’s lamp shop,Forget about them.Concentrate on Essence, concentrate on the Light.In lucid Bliss, calmly smoking off its own holy fire,The Light streams toward you from all things,All people, all possible permutations of good, evil, thought, passion,The lamps are different,But the Light is the same.One matter, One Energy, One Light, One Light-mind,Endlessly emanating all things.One turning and burning Diamond,One, One, One.Ground yourself, strip yourself down,To blind loving silence.Stay there, until you seeYou are gazing at the LightWith its own Ageless eyes.

~ Rumi

One Response to “The Lamps are Different but the Light is the Same”

  1. ” One light; light that is one though the lamps be many” Incredible String Band………. though Rumi said it first!

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