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The Gyuto Monks of Tibet – Open Mind, Loving Heart Tour

November 14th, 2017
Our very own honorary Bard Martin Glover (‘Youth’) recorded a fabulous album with The Gyuto Monks entitled Chants ~ The Gyuto Monks of Tibet. The monks practice a form of throat singing that produces an extraordinary sound. Youth explains,
The Monks exemplify, in their mystical chants, the essence of Tibetan Tantric Wisdom and the profound philosophy of the Dalai Lama. This is a musical system intentionally designed to alter your consciousness towards an illuminated and enlightened state.
The Gyuto Monks will in the UK during November and December with their Open Mind, Loving Heart Tour, giving a performance at Forest Row Village Hall, East Sussex RH18 5ES on Sunday 3rd Dec 7-9pm. For more information, other dates and to book tickets visit here
What follows is a short video of the monks chanting at an Expo in Adelaide last year…

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