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" Live out of your imagination

not your history "

Stephen R. Covey

The Fairy in the Wood – the Role of Theatre in Druidry

June 12th, 2009

When we think of creativity in Druidry, our minds automatically turn to the Bardic tradition – to images of poets and story-tellers, and musicians around the fire. But theatre is of course there too. When Stephanie and I sat at the LAMDA (London Academy of Music and Dramatic Art) award ceremony last month when our daughter Sophia was graduating from a foundation course there, Peter James, the Principal, stood up and gave a short speech about the actor-as-storyteller and I had this sudden realisation that our daughter was from this perspective graduating as a Bard that evening.

Then in Germany I worked with experienced Druid group leaders who specialise in working with drama: first with Reinhard and Malou Winkler who combine their knowledge of Gestalt, bodywork, mime and mask-making in a way that creates powerful transformation. And then with Volkert Volkmann, whose OBOD group the Nemeton Dearraich uses theatre in Druid ceremonies to create incredibly evocative moments.

Here is a photograph taken at the moment a fairy appeared in our circle in the forest. She had been hiding in the trees and was about 9 foot tall – it was an utterly magical moment!


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