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" The songs of our ancestors

are also the songs of our children "

The Druid Way

The Camelot Oracle

January 24th, 2013

51CxeVyRJML._SL500_AA300_Will Worthington, well-known to many readers as the artist who has illustrated the Druid Animal Oracle, Druid Plant Oracle and DruidCraft Tarot, has produced another magnificent set of illustrations for The Camelot Oracle

This video gives you a great preview of  the cards:

The oracle, developed and written by John Matthews, includes a ‘Map of The Lands Adventurous’. John writes: ‘The universal appeal of the Arthurian tales lies in their primal quality: they deal with every aspect of human life, from the eternal struggle to overcome obstacles to the continuing search for fulfillment. Working with the oracle cards and the Map of The Lands Adventurous you will travel from Camelot with your champion on your quest. Your chosen path leads to a place of significance where your challenger waits to hear your questions. Consulting the guidebook will reveal the answers and the guidance you require.’ Great stuff!

2 Responses to “The Camelot Oracle”

  1. Oh my word! I was determined to cut down my addiction to Tarot and Oracle cards, but this has immediately gone out of the window. The Camelot Oracle cards are on their way at this moment.

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