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Black Elk

Naked in the Trees – An interview with TreeGirl

October 24th, 2017

At first thought, the idea of posing naked in trees for photographs might seem trivial, unnecessary, or even salacious, but when you listen to Julianne Skai Arbor, aka TreeGirl, I think you’ll find yourself coming to a different conclusion. Watch how she explains her work and shows illustrations from her beautiful book in this interview, and afterwards take a look at her website which will lead you to information on her book too.

Tree Story – Help Make a Film!

November 28th, 2010

In the summer I had lunch with two film-makers in Lewes. Their idea for making a film that celebrates trees and gathers stories about them sounded so worthwhile we agreed to drive straight out to one of my favourite trees – the huge old yew in Wilmington, Sussex, to do some filming.

Now their project is ‘live’ and you can participate. Tree Story will be a feature documentary film by award-winning director Ward Serrill. It will explore the relationship between humans and trees from every conceivable angle. Serrill has gathered a talented and experienced team with credits from National Geographic to Miramax to BBC’s Planet Earth series. And this film will be made differently than any other film: by the public. The TreeStory team is asking people around the world to send them their stories and, if they feel inspired, to give a $5 donation. Their aim – to create a film that will change how we see trees, and ourselves, for good. See I’ll post more news about it soon – but do click on the link and see if you’d like to participate.