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" Live out of your imagination

not your history "

Stephen R. Covey


February 1st, 2008

The other day I met up with Rupert Davis, a talented photographer who has produced some fantastic images of Nature, sacred landscapes and sacred sites. I mentioned his work to Damh in the OBOD office, and like a wizard working over a bubbling cauldron he has combined the sequence of ideas I suggested in an earlier blog post with some of Rupert’s images and some of his partner’s Cerri, together with a song of Laura Powers, to produce this:

6 Responses to “Synergy”

  1. Fabulous! What a creative bunch you are. How nice to listen to something uplifting, read something empowering and also absorb such beautiful images.

    I could do with more of this kind of thing in my life for sure 🙂

    Hats off to you all!


  2. Merveilleux! Que Damh the Bard continue à être un magicien pour nous montrer d’aussi belles photos (je regrette juste qu ‘il y ait toujours du texte sur les photos, sorry!)

  3. Something interesting is hapenning with the brain with these little films Zil.
    Your brain is interpreting the lyrics of the song while at the same time it is reading the text and viewing the images. So a sort of gestalt or left-brain/right-brain synchrony is occurring.
    When the lyrics and text is in a foreign language maybe then the brain says “OOh la la – that’s enough! Ca suffit!”

  4. I loved this film, it went into my heart from both parts of my brain. We need more things like this. Thank you.

  5. So – are we sort of brainwashing ourselves with positive thought?

    Truthfully, if people could use this kind of tool on a regular basis to help shift a their frame of reference, the world would be a better place.

    Maybe you could make more of them for us? Like you’ve got nothing else to do with your time ROFPML!


  6. I really liked it. 🙂 These little films give our screens a little window into the real world, and remind us why we are here. Thanks. 🙂 I’ll put it up on my blog too. 🙂

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