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" One touch of nature

makes all the world kin "

William Shakespeare

Spring has Begun

January 16th, 2008

This morning the first snowdrops appeared. And two goats leaping and butting their horns together, then nuzzling…

 An early morning walk is a blessing for the whole day.


5 Responses to “Spring has Begun”

  1. Darn that must mean Autumn is arriving here – but the hot sun has just arrived….. and now is the time to go camping and enjoy the sun …

  2. Hello! I tagged you–memed you for a ROAR-Powerful words award. Okay, so it’s a blog post but it’s a chance to know somebody out there is reading your work! You can read my post for the “rules”–and post or not as you like! Blessed Be–Jordan

  3. Ah yes, Spring seems to be on the way eariler this year. In Trieste (Italy) things are budding. Even though where I am we haven’t had much of a winter, it has been very mild. There is still hope for a wintery comeback, though it won’t fo the buds much good. 🙁

    In recent years I’ve marked Spring’s beginning with the sighting of my first lizzard! None spotted yet though. Let’s see how long it will be. 🙂

  4. I agree with Tom Robertson on this one, we are experiencing a very wet summer here in Australia, (the big wet seems to have drifted a long way south from Darwin this year), & February is traditionally the stickiest, warmest month before the relief of Autumn. Enjoy the snowdrops…I can only imagine what they actually look like.
    It’s strange to type words that Phillip may’re a bit like the snowdrops Phillip, a figment of my imagination.

  5. It’s lovely to hear comments from you in far-away Australia Gay, and Tom in NZ and Michael in nearer Tuscany. You and Michael might be figments of my imagination…Tom cannot be! (I’ve actually met him)

    And Jordan – thank you so much. I’m not sure what a ROAR is (couldn’t locate it on google) but thank you all the same. And where are you?

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