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" A good traveller has no fixed plans,

and is not intent on arriving "

Lao Tzu

Spring & Autumn Retreats

February 10th, 2018

Looking across the water to Bosham on a November afternoon

For a long time I’ve felt that the ideal rhythm to a year would be a retreat in the spring, to wake up from the slumber of winter and really attune to the energies of the season, and then another retreat in the autumn, to prepare for the turning-in of our lives in the coming winter.

This year I’ve finally managed to organise this in two very special spots in the local landscape here in southern England. In the spring a group of us will be meeting in Bosham, a lovely village near Chichester, beside a village that floods twice a day with the tide. And for the autumn I’ve chosen an equally beautiful place: Fintry House in Surrey, which you can glimpse in the attached video.

There are a couple of places left on the spring retreat, 10 – 12 April, and you can find details here.
And there are plenty of places available on the autumn retreat, 4-7 October, which I’m calling ‘The Mystic Garden and the Sanctuary of the Heart.’ Fintry Retreat House is set in beautiful countryside in the Surrey Hills with woodland walks and extensive views across the landscape. The atmosphere of the house and grounds is perfectly suited to this contemplative retreat, during which there will be time for poetry and conversation about the spiritual life, and time for individual reflection, interspersed with healing and restorative meditations and exercises drawn from psychology and the wisdom traditions. You are warmly invited! More details here.

3 Responses to “Spring & Autumn Retreats”

  1. That is a great idea indeed and one I miss that came naturally when one works a farm for a living. Those times of transition happen gradually and then move all of a sudden as the seasons change. I wish I had understood then the need for these small pauses in action to allow a more gradual personal change with the rhythms of the season. Here in the US right now it seems all connection to that rhythm is lost. Many here could do with a retreat like what you are doing in England.

    • Thanks Tyler – the States are so huge it always seems quite daunting! Wherever you choose you are always miles from everywhere else! 🤓That sounds like some universal law doesn’t it? !

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