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" The songs of our ancestors

are also the songs of our children "

The Druid Way

Shake off the Winter!

March 15th, 2018

Bosham Waterfront & Church. Photo: Phil Gullen

There’s still a chance to book a place on the Spring Retreat I’ll be running in Bosham in Sussex from 10th to 12th April.

Our programme will include deep restorative meditations (lying down), developed from Yoga Nidra, and conversations on the spiritual life, interspersed with exercises drawn from Sophrology and Druidry. These exercises use simple movements, breathing techniques and visualisation to calm the mind, free us from stress, and connect us to the healing powers of Nature.

We will start at lunch time on Tuesday, and on Wednesday evening will go to the Anchor Bleu pub in nearby Bosham, for dinner, an informal talk and conversation.

The 2 bursary places make the total cost including accommodation £180 per person, which includes the retreat, all meals and single room accommodation in a B&B on Hayling Island.

To book a place, or for more information, email or call the Hamblin Trust on 01243 572109.

To learn more about the venue see: